Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Economics of Crime

Awhile back I did a post on whether or not crime and downturn economies are linked (or whether or not people associate the two in correlation) and at that time I didn't have a very good answer. Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Center states that because of the coming Depression we are going to see more crime, robberies, and violent kidnappings. Now ABC News says that Phoenix Arizona is the Kidnap Capitol of the US. Here you have two independent sources stating the same thing.

That starts to make me think. If you believe in the "stream of consciousness" that is proffered by the predictive linguists at Half Past Human then maybe there is something to fear of economic downturns and crime. Consider the new movie coming out with Liam Neeson playing an intelligence operative who has to find the people who have taken his daughter. Scary stuff ...unless you are prepared for worst case scenarios.

Therefore, I say - Take stock of yourself, face your fears, and get training to meet the worst head on - whatever it may be. Remember the most powerful words you can ever utter in a worst case sceanrio is "I have done this before and I can do it again".

Stay Safe!

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