Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can my daughter take this class?

Fight Like A Girl Akron is gearing up for the 2009 Year with new classes being offered. For the winter time we'll be offering a class a month (Feb, March, April) at the North Canton City Schools - Community Education. To take the class you'll have to sign up through NCCS.

One of the questions often asked is: "can my daughter take this course?". My answer to this is pretty much yes, but with the following caveat: How mature is your daughter? This is a course about learning to stop a rapist from raping you. That last sentence there should tell you whether or not your daughter is old enough to take the course. Its not that the physical techniques are hard to learn (in fact they are quite simple - I have taught them to my 8 year old daughter). But its the content rating of the course. Mind you we keep things very clinical (like what you might hear spoken at a doctor's office) - but nonetheless these classes are for mature people. Should children and teenage girls learn this material? Absolutely! - But parent's need to be the ultimate judge on what material their children are taught.

Stay Safe!

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