Saturday, October 1, 2011

NYPD Advises Women Not to Wear Skirts....

New York City realizing that there sexual assault problem has gone through the roof has gone and done the unfathomable. Tell women not to wear shorts, skirts, or dresses. Whats next chastity belts?

"He pointed at my outfit and said, 'Don't you think your shorts are a little short?'" she told the Journal. "He pointed at their dresses and said they were showing a lot of skin."
The officer also told them that "you're exactly the kind of girl this guy is targeting," according to Lauren. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said the officers "are simply pointing out that as part of the pattern involving one or more men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts."

While there is a correlation with the police understanding that the predators are attacking women who wear certain clothing the problem is that they're falling into a trap of believing that the victim somehow precipitated the crime, or asked for the crime to happen. Which is in fact totally incorrect and inappropriate - the police in turn should be seeking to inform the citizenry of the problem, provide or advocate deterrents to the population (gasp "legalize concealed weapons permits"), and increase patrols within the area to be proactive against the crime of rape. 

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