Friday, April 3, 2009

Awareness Beyond Awareness

Would you believe me if I told you that you have a built in extra-sensory radar that will let you know when bad people are around or when something bad is going to happen? At first glance you are going to tell me I am full of it and what am I trying to sell you. Hold on there......before you click away (and no this isn't the Matrix) hear me out.

The truth is that you do have an innate ability to sense when someone who is bad is around you. You may not fully understand, but i can guarantee that you do have this ability and you have used it before. For instance; ever meet a guy who just gives you the "creeps"? Something about just seems "bad"? Thats your ESP (i'd say women's intuition - but men possess this ability too - cops are notoroiusly good for having correct gut impulses).

An excellent book to read that delves into this issue in depth is Gavin de Becker's Gift of Fear. An absolute must read for understanding how our spirit and mind work together to gives us cues to understand when we are in dire circumstances. OK your probably thinking now; "I have read this before in one of your other blog posts - give me something new that I don't already know".

OK I'll give you a few things to prove what i am talking about. First of all have you ever driven down the road and looked at someone and they turned and looked at you? I bet its happened several times and you may have been someone looking back as well! Since we are social creatures we tend to know when other people are looking/ staring at us. Ever been somewhere in public and had the feeling that someone was behind you that you didn't previously know about and when you turned around and looked there was someone there? Its real.

Now here's where the strange, gets stranger. You can do this next exercise on your self or with a friend. Take something with lots of metal content. A key probably won't be as effective as a group of keys. Have the other person close their eyes. Tell them to tell you when their head hurts. Now hold the keys (or metal object) within a half inch of their forehead. They should have an uncomfortable feeling in their head when you do this. Try it on yourself also. Now try it with just your fingers (no metal object).

So if you did the above your probably asking what is going on, why does this happen? The Asian cultures have a belief that there is a field of energy that is produced within and permeating the body. They call this chi or ki. We know that the body runs on electrical impulses this is why things like AEDs (Automatic Electronic Defribillatorss) can help someone during a heart attack and that electricity can cause pain but not damage (i. the case of the Taser which produces high voltage but low amperage). This chi or ki is most likely this energy field that surrounds & permeates us. Having been in the martial arts for well over 25 years I've seen alot of parlor tricks that claim ki or chi power. Some of it is just that - parlor tricks & physics (breaking blocks,laying on a bed of nails, walking on hot coals, taking repeated kicks in the groin). Some of it is not.

Let me explain some more. Harold Saxon Burr Harold Saxon Burr (1889-1973), researched this in 1932-1956. He claimed that diseases could be traced to this field, and be prevented or cured by changes in people’s life fields. These fields are electric and magnetic, and disappear when people die. Now it gets wierder; A russian physiologist named LL Vasiliev expounds on Burr's theory that states there is another field further from us called the T-field (or the thought field). His theory is that the T-field exists several feet beyond the person and can actually understand vibrations in the emotional thoughts of other people. He likens it to all of your 5 senses being spiritualized. Think about this way; you can visualize another place that your not at, you can smell what is in that place, hear what is in that place, recall the touch of that place, taste what is in that place. Thats kind of how I think the t-field works. Don't get me wrong, I am not an expert in this by any means - in fact I'm not really a student. Just a normal guy who has experienced some very odd things and is trying to find rational answers.

So how does it work? Well in my first martial art; American Karate we used to do a drill known as Randori. In Randori you would stand in the center of this huge 40'x 40' mat. On the outside of the mat are the rest of the students. The person in the center would stand their and wait until someone stepped out of the ring to attack them and then they would do their defense. While I was in the upper ranks (green, brown, red, and black) we were required to keep our eyes closed until attacked. Over time, I found that I was able to react spontaneously faster than normal because I often would know not only the direction that the attacker was coming but almost how they were going to attack me (i.e. head lock, front choke, take-down). Mind you this wasn't something that I picked up in a day or a few months, but it seemed to develop with years of study. Can I still do this? I wish I could.

But i have been able to pick up some other things along the way. People I have a close relationship with I usually "know" a few seconds ahead of time when they are calling me on the phone or sending an email (now if I could just see the numbers of that winning lotto ticket!). There have been several studies on ESP and while there are people out there who will show you how to develop it that's not really what my blog is about. What I want to leave you with; is that there really is something to an awareness beyond awareness but its ultra-sophistication at one end of the spectrum (My randori experience) still begins from an inate ability that EVERYONE has. To this end, trust your instincts......... because you are probably right!
Stay Safe!

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