Sunday, November 29, 2009

Like CPR?

Awhile back I had the opportunity to attend an Outdoor Survival Course through the Northeast Ohio Primitive Living Center. Great program... everything you would see Les Stroud do on SURVIVORMAN was taught in this course. Some of the thingsw e learned to do was how to make a small fire and then wrap a blanket around yourself and create a chimney for the smoke wich would allow the small fire to heat you. or how to salvage car seat material to use as insulation. The instructor often remarked: "you can read this in any survival or primitive living book, but until you do it... its another story. You have to do this, to understand it. Its entirely experiential".

I couldn't agree more! One of the key methods of learning is through what educators call kinesthetic learning. According to Wikipedia:
Kinesthetic learning is a teaching and learning style in which learning takes place by the student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or merely watching a demonstration. Some people are visual learners, some kinesthetic learners, and some are auditory learners.
Interestingly, the least effective learning style is most often auditory learning. Adult learners lose interest in a lecture within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. For this reason the American Heart Association stopped using an instructor driven CPR course and now uses a video driven course. This is because unless an instructor is very good at presenting the course material it likely the class will lose interest. I know, I'm an AHA Instructor.

The other aspect of the class is that you actually have to learn how to do CPR by........(drumroll) doing it! Yes, thats right, unfortunately until we develop Matrix level technology that will allow us to 'mind dream' or do simple auditory/ visual learning - CPR, outdoor survival, and self-defense skills must all be developed the old fashioned way; repetition for muscle memory.

So drawing on success from other adult learning programs I have developed the Fight Like A Girl and the Child Awareness Rapid Escape courses to work on similar principles. Thats why in my programs you will here few war stories and we will concentrate on developing YOUR Potential.

As the old saying goes; "I can show you the door, but you must go through it".

Stay Safe!

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