Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Ugly Truth....

The Fourth Rule (or strategy concept) in Fight Like A Girl is to attract attention. The reason for this is that we are playing on the criminals fear that someone may be able to identify the attacker or they may be able to help. But we must never expect other people to help. Thats why you must fight for your life because, YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE. The Ugly Truth is that we live in a social culture that is in crisis - expecting people to help us is a recipe for disaster (there are a few courageous people out there - but they are few and far between). The story below illustrates what I am speaking to.

Witnesses Didn't Help Rape Victim

RICHMOND, Calif. (Oct. 27) - Police believe as many as a dozen people watched a 15-year-old girl get beaten and gang-raped outside her high school homecoming dance without reporting it.
Two suspects were in custody Monday, but police said as many as five other men attacked the girl over a two-hour period Friday night outside Richmond High School. "She was raped, beaten, robbed and dehumanized by several suspects who were obviously OK enough with it to behave that way in each other's presence," Lt. Mark Gagan said. "What makes it even more disturbing is the presence of others. People came by, saw what was happening and failed to report it." The victim remained hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.

Manuel Ortega, 19, was arrested at the scene and was being held on $800,000 bail for investigation of rape and robbery. He is not a student at the school. Richmond police Sgt. David Harris said he did not know if Ortega had retained an attorney. A 15-year-old student also was booked late Monday on one count of sexual assault, Gagan said. Police said the girl left the dance and was walking to meet her father for a ride home when a classmate invited her to join a group drinking in the courtyard. The victim had drank a large amount of alcohol by the time the assault began, police said.

Officers received a tip about a possible assault on campus and found the girl semi-conscious near a picnic table. Marin Trujillo, a spokesman for the West Contra Costa Unified School District, said there were four police officers and three school administrators monitoring the dance, but the assault happened away from the gym.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shedding New Light on an Old Topic

As I have mentioned in the past I am a big fan of some of the high lumen flashlights that are out on the market. LED Technology has come a long way and we can see this in the newest line of lights made by Fenix. What immediately prompted me to research these lights in more depth was the strobe feature that many of them sport. For awhile I have been pushing the Surefire line since they were the originators of the tactical flashlight. But then I had a conversion experience so to speak.

A few months back I had the opportunity to do some tactical SWAT training through a different venue. One of the guys on the entry team had a Fenix TA30 hooked up to his entry rifle and when he came in to the darkened building with it going on strobe I was immediately blinded by the 180+ lumens. And to boot, I had trouble tracking his movement since the strobe was tricking my iris to open and close at a rate that was below that of the strobe. The feeling was a sense of visual overload, essentially this light got into my OODA Loop!

After the initial "oooh wow that was cool!" we got to talking about it. His optic bayonet was a Fenix TA30. While slightly unwieldy to carry its still a heck of a bargain at $98 it also has 4 settings (low, medium, turbo, and strobe; each with their own power consumption rates). So this gets me to thinking if some of the other models can easily be slipped into a pocket or a purse. Lo and behold Fenix has done their work and made smaller models as well. I picked up a $53.00 LD1 for Eileen to try out (which also runs on 1 AA battery - nice!). I thought about making a video and posting it to YouTube but it seems that someone else has beat me to it. <---Check it out. If your still considering a tactical flashlight as part of your personal protection arsenal. I strongly suggest the Fenix line of flashlights.

Stay Safe!